Now introducing the Adjustable Barbell Pad!


-1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Board Pressing

-Barbell Pad (Squats, Lunges, Hip Thrusts, etc.)

-Log Press

-Touch n Go Box Squats

How it All Began

When I was a personal trainer I talked with & trained so many people who had shoulder/elbow pain from Bench Pressing. I personally gave up on the Bench Press altogether during this time too. I also saw so many people try to simulate board Bench Presses by putting foam rollers in their shirt & basically any other way you could imagine. I thought... Why can't there just be something you could put on the barbell quickly? I played around with some different designs until I found the basis of how I wanted it to look & function. Thus, the Adjustable Barbell Pad was born!

While I was researching these issues I also saw that pain from the Bench Press creeps in largely because when your elbow gets behind your body the amount of stress on your shoulder joint increases significantly. While I do think training full range of motion is very beneficial, for the average person it's going to result in injuries when heavy weights are used at the extreme ranges of motion. For me personally, I don't go under a 2-board press when I go heavy on the Bench Press. The 2-board puts my arms horizontal/parallel to my torso when at the bottom of the Bench Press which is perfect. I get in my full range of motion pressing with the lighter/easier exercises like push-ups. The result? I've gone from avoiding the Bench Press for years (because it caused me so much pain) to now being able to Bench Press pain-free however much I want.

Once I had the basis of the idea it was time to manufacture. It took me over 5 years to find one that could do everything I needed. Over this time I really started to like the idea of making the inner-most pad a barbell pad to make it "Adjustable" & versatile to accommodate for a lot more exercises. Thus, the second function was born!

Then I started to think Hmm... This is actually a great height to do Touch N Go Box Squats with too. Thus, the third function was born!

As I was experimenting around with some 2-Board Incline Presses one day I asked would this work for Log Presses, too? Yep! Thus, the fourth function was born!

I hope y'all love & find as much use for this product as I have. Thank you!!